Broker Check

Maintain a “Credit Worthy” Face

Bankers have their own rules of thumb for evaluating your creditworthiness. Make sure none of the following is part of the “face” you present to your banker.

  • You show up on the wrong lists... checks drawn on uncollected funds, overdraft accounts and large transactions, or past due loans, loans with incomplete collateral documentation, and late financial statements.
  • You act as though you always need cash... through frequent requests for small loans to cover incidental expenses, or carrying large balances on high-interest credit cards.
  • You make one change too many... by changing your mind too often in your bank dealings.
  • You look a little “rough around the edges”... by not keeping both your financial and personal demeanor in shape.

If any of these situations sounds uncomfortably familiar, you should start on a regimen to change now before you need to seek any type of bank assistance.


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